Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Why Raising a Polite Kid Still Matters

Parents want to raise children who graduate college, earn great incomes, and live a fulfilling life, but it is still important that your little ones understand the importance of being polite in a world that it seems being rude is not only common practice, but expected. Why is being polite so important to teach your kids when the times they are a changing? Being polite teaches compassion and empathy and helps develop a level of respect that others simply do not receive, and that’s only the start of the perks of being polite.

Key Takeaways:

  • We are in an age of cultural incivility so teaching children to be polite would seem unnecessary and archaic.
  • Although digital communication has rendered many manners of courtesy and politeness obsolete, children still need to communicate face-to-face, so they need to have good manners.
  • Teaching children politeness prepares them for the job market, friendships and relationships. It also makes socialization easier.

“Teaching a kid to say please and thank you or use honorific when addressing adults may feel old fashioned. It isn’t.”

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