“We’re sure people were more civil, despite all the assassinations, riots and cities literally burning. And in this mythic past, parenting was much easier than it is today.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/millennial-parents-are-raising-their-kids-fine
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Monday, June 24, 2019
How To Implement Positive Parenting Solutions For The Modern Parent
“Well, at its core, positive parenting involves creating a strong bond with your child through communication and mutual respect.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/how-to-implement-positive-parenting-solutions-for-the-modern-parent
Friday, May 31, 2019
Parenting older kids: a tested, nuanced relationship
“So when the conversation on a recent evening out with my sister and a few of her friends turned to the raising of young children, I found myself just listening.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/parenting-older-kids-a-tested-nuanced-relationship
Thursday, May 9, 2019
6 Promises to My Sons, From a Tough Love Dad
“Some might call these promises tough love; I see them as a foundation for making you honest and thoughtful men.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/6-promises-to-my-sons-from-a-tough-love-dad
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Why Parenting Without Yelling Is Better for Kids — and You
“My daughter is adopted, a little Alaska Native child with Inuit blood coursing through her veins. It was perhaps because of that background that a recent NPR piece titled “How Inuit Parents Teach Kids to Control Their Anger” first jumped out at me.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/why-parenting-without-yelling-is-better-for-kids-and-you
Thursday, April 25, 2019
3 Steps to Perfect Parenting
“So, in light of being a fundamentally flawed parent, relying on the grace of God to do anything good in mine or my kids’ lives, I want to offer 3 steps to perfect parenting.” Read full post here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/3-steps-to-perfect-parenting
Monday, April 22, 2019
Confident Teen Girls Have Dads Who Do These 6 Things
““What’s important for fathers to understand is that they are the template, really, for their daughters in terms of the daughter’s future relationships with men,” says Dr. Erika Doukas, a clinical psychologist whose expertise is in parenting issues and treating eating disorders.” Read full post here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/confident-teen-girls-have-dads-who-do-these-6-things
Parenting Matters: Investing in our young children
“There are numerous studies showing that low-income children who begin kindergarten at the same academic level as children from wealthier families are more likely to graduate on time, go to college and start a career.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/parenting-matters-investing-in-our-young-children
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Parenting Matters: Investing in our young children
“There are numerous studies showing that low-income children who begin kindergarten at the same academic level as children from wealthier families are more likely to graduate on time, go to college and start a career.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/parenting-matters-investing-in-our-young-children
Friday, March 29, 2019
This 10-Year-Old Is Saving The World By Ditching School
“Lilly has to do this because she believes her generation’s future is at risk.” Read full post here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/this-10-year-old-is-saving-the-world-by-ditching-school
Monday, March 25, 2019
Young Adulthood in America: Children Are Grown, but Parenting Doesn’t Stop
“A significant share of parents, across income levels, say they’re involved in their adult children’s daily lives.” Read full post here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/young-adulthood-in-america-children-are-grown-but-parenting-doesnt-stop
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Here are parenting tips to learn how to raise a reader
“But aside from improving your children’s vocabulary, research shows that being an early reader helps kids develop comprehension skills, makes them more receptive to creativity, and better able to navigate change.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/here-are-parenting-tips-to-learn-how-to-raise-a-reader
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Finding The 'Sunrise Moment' In A Day Of Parenting
“Like most parents of school-aged children, I find myself up weekday mornings before the sun.” Read full post here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/finding-the-sunrise-moment-in-a-day-of-parenting
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
The Balance Of Parenting: How Best To Support Children’s Self-Regulation
“children’s self-regulation may be best supported when parents are high in sensitivity but low in directiveness.” Read the full article here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/the-balance-of-parenting-how-best-to-support-childrens-self-regulation
Monday, March 4, 2019
How Do You Teach Kids About Giving?
“True generosity means that I give of what is mine, by my own choice. And that is where the joy and the character building comes from. So first, I must understand what is mine and what is yours.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/how-do-you-teach-kids-about-giving
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Helping You Navigate Your Journey Through Parenting: Parenting with the End in Mind
“If those lifelong skills of problem solving, respect, communication and self-control are truly what I’m aiming for, perhaps I will choose other means of disciplining my child.” Read the post here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/helping-you-navigate-your-journey-through-parenting-parenting-with-the-end-in-mind
The Best Advice Yet on Parenting Screen-Addicted Kids
“A UK study found that the subtle pressure to garner likes, friends, and followers on social media leads middle school children to become overly dependent on this form of social validation.” Read entire article: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/the-best-advice-yet-on-parenting-screen-addicted-kids
Parenting the Fortnite Addict
“Every so often a game comes along that conquers the hearts, minds and thumbs of gamers everywhere. Fortnite: Battle Royale is the latest victor in this category.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/parenting-the-fortnite-addict
Monday, February 18, 2019
The Best Advice Yet on Parenting Screen-Addicted Kids
“A UK study found that the subtle pressure to garner likes, friends, and followers on social media leads middle school children to become overly dependent on this form of social validation.” Read entire article: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/the-best-advice-yet-on-parenting-screen-addicted-kids
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Parenting the Fortnite Addict
“Every so often a game comes along that conquers the hearts, minds and thumbs of gamers everywhere. Fortnite: Battle Royale is the latest victor in this category.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/parenting-the-fortnite-addict
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Kate Middleton Gets Candid About This All-To-Relatable Motherhood Struggle
“Any parent can attest that having one toddler can be a real challenge. Now imagine having three kids 5 and under… that can definitely be exhausting.” Read entire article here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/kate-middleton-gets-candid-about-this-all-to-relatable-motherhood-struggle
Monday, January 28, 2019
The 3 Plastics Every Parent Should Avoid
“But we don’t really know the full extent of how this constant exposure to plastic will affect children in the long term.” Read the entire article here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/the-3-plastics-every-parent-should-avoid
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Hands-on, intensive parenting is best, most parents say
“The findings suggest intensive parenting has become the dominant model for how parents across the socio-economic spectrum feel children should be raised – regardless of whether the parent has the resources to actually do so.” Read more here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/hands-on-intensive-parenting-is-best-most-parents-say
Monday, January 21, 2019
Six ways to teach children moderation, such as creating snack drawers that include candy
“For parents who are trying to feed children healthfully and teach long-lasting healthy eating habits, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukkah can certainly make for a taxing few months.” Read entire article here: https://www.mysiblingdolls.com/six-ways-to-teach-children-moderation-such-as-creating-snack-drawers-that-include-candy
Saturday, January 19, 2019
How much do children benefit from preschool? Ask this Indianapolis kindergarten teacher
‘Nature Hunt’ Turns A Boring Walk Into An Exciting Afternoon Adventure
Friday, January 18, 2019
A Family Psychologist On How To Not Freak Out About Developmental Milestones
Every parent wants their child to develop normally and and milestone guidelines are a benchmark as to around when a baby should be doing certain things. The key to remember is this is a general timeline, and not specific. babies are individuals, and their skills will develop as they grow and experience the world around them. Some milestones will be met earlier than expected, due to the natural skills of the child and the environment, while it might lag in other areas . If one is concerned, consult pediatrician.
Key Takeaways:
- When parents base their expectations about their kids off a book or on what their neighbors think or say, they are doing a disservice to their kids.
- Parents should realize that kids develop at different rates so they should not put too much hope on development milestones.
- Scientific studies do not account for the variations in people. They use a standard that averages the general populace, not accounting for unique abilities.
“Family psychologist Dr. Christina Cohen spends most of her time telling parents to stop focusing on all these benchmarks of “normalcy,” and start paying attention to your kid as a unique person.”
Read more: https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/why-parents-shouldnt-worry-about-development-milestones/
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Parenting the Fortnite Addict
While Forenite is a game of strategy, the social component of being able to play across advises and formats adds to the addictive nature of the game. But how much is too much? When parenting, the thing to remember is you are the parent. Set reasonable limits, and while it may be harder for parents to understand, it is a form of social interaction. Teach kids to play responsibly, set safety features and talk about not playing with people they do not know.
Key Takeaways:
- According to market research data from the firm, SuperData, it was discovered that the game, Fortnite: Battle Royale, generated $223 million in March.
- The game is focused on the last player standing. The players are dropped on an island and asked to survive by looking for weapons and other stuff.
- Although Fortnite is free to play on game systems, consoles, computers, and mobile phones, one has to pay to acquire accessories and character costumes.
“Every so often a game comes along that conquers the hearts, minds and thumbs of gamers everywhere. Fortnite: Battle Royale is the latest victor in this category.”
Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/30/well/family/parenting-the-fortnite-addict.html
Monday, January 14, 2019
My Child Has Extreme Anxiety, And This Is What I Want People To Know
Parents are always under the scrutiny of other’s unwarranted judgement, and that scrutiny is even more severe when a child is struggling with certain behaviors. When a child is faced with anxiety, they often lash out when they are in anxiety-provoking situations when they do not yet have access to a reliable set of skills. It is important for others to realize that this behavior is not an act of obstinate behavior, but it is just their way of dealing with the anxiety in the only way that they currently know how.
Key Takeaways:
- The author writes that for many years her daughter acted differently from many kids her age and this embarrassed her.
- Her daughter’s actions made her to believe that people thought that she was a bad mum and wasn’t giving her daughter good training.
- When they got help, she realized what was happening and started to realize that people and herself had been naïve about the issues her daughter was facing.
“Finally, when we started treatment for my daughter’s severe anxiety, and I was educated, I realized that my daughter had an illness.”
Read more: https://www.scarymommy.com/truths-parenting-child-with-anxiety/
Friday, January 11, 2019
This year, let’s parent like it’s 1989
When comparing parenting in the 80’s to what it is now, it seems as though there is much less freedom when choosing which level of supervision your child needs. Some countries such as Switzerland have a much more lax approach to parenting, but the West has drastically escalated the amount of supervision that each child needs. Even just sending your child on a walk to school alone often raises suspicion in both other parents, and even law enforcement. Many mothers are asking themselves if this is actually just.
Key Takeaways:
- The author recently migrated from Europe to United States and wonders if she would get arrested if her parenting style doesn’t change.
- In Switzerland where she is coming from, the parenting style are based on decisions that teach children personal responsibility.
- She asserts that the children in her home country enjoy freedom to play among themselves, something American children do not enjoy.
“We call our country “the land of the free,” yet most children — at least if our suburb is representative — have no freedom at all.”
Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2019/01/03/this-year-lets-parent-like-its/?noredirect=on
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Why Raising a Polite Kid Still Matters
Parents want to raise children who graduate college, earn great incomes, and live a fulfilling life, but it is still important that your little ones understand the importance of being polite in a world that it seems being rude is not only common practice, but expected. Why is being polite so important to teach your kids when the times they are a changing? Being polite teaches compassion and empathy and helps develop a level of respect that others simply do not receive, and that’s only the start of the perks of being polite.
Key Takeaways:
- We are in an age of cultural incivility so teaching children to be polite would seem unnecessary and archaic.
- Although digital communication has rendered many manners of courtesy and politeness obsolete, children still need to communicate face-to-face, so they need to have good manners.
- Teaching children politeness prepares them for the job market, friendships and relationships. It also makes socialization easier.
“Teaching a kid to say please and thank you or use honorific when addressing adults may feel old fashioned. It isn’t.”
Read more: https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/raising-a-polite-kid/
Monday, January 7, 2019
Should you send your kid’s DNA to 23andMe?
The popularity surrounding DIY genetic testing kits has been rising, but so have the concerns about their safety and legitimacy. The problem is, these DNA testing kits performed at home do not have the same health privacy laws as genetic testing that is performed in a certified medical facility. Not only that, but the HIPPA laws that protect you and your child’s health information when visiting profession practitioners do not apply when using an at-home DNA kit.
Key Takeaways:
- The cartoons 23andMe creates to encourage using its DNA kit for testing are cute and they make DNA testing look like fun.
- Parents are being won over and they are buying their children DNA testing kits but experts say parents should be careful before making this decision.
- Some experts say that the autonomy of the child is at question when parents decide to test their children’s DNA without their consent.
“The commercial seems to be aimed at parents and their children. It’s not the first time 23andMe has used popular cartoon characters to market its tests.”
Friday, January 4, 2019
If You Want To Accelerate Brain Development In Children, Teach Them Music
Brain development in young kids develops in stages. The biggest amount of growth and learning takes place between 2 and 6 years of age. It is during this time that the brain develops and learns how to learn, particularly in the areas of language development and cognitive processes. Music is a language onto itself, from how to read and play it to the emotion it invokes. Thus teaching a child to play an instrument actually allows the brain to grow more of the connections physically needed to process language, physical coordination, and maturing auditory processes in how the brain receives and processes information. After about age 8-9, it is much more difficult to learn and grow these pathways , due to pruning.
Key Takeaways:
- To bridge the gaps that conventional medicine cannot fill, alternative and complementary treatments has been proposed. Music is one of them and it really matters because music heals.
- Several published studies, about 400 in all, have proven the old adage that “music is medicine” right. It has been found to be potent in treating mental health issues.
- Some of the mental health issues that music has been successfully used to treat and increase social functions in patients include schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.
“Music instruction appears to accelerate brain development in young children, particularly in the areas of the brain responsible for processing sound, language development, speech perception and reading skills, according to initial results of a five-year study by USC neuroscientists.”
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Meet A Woman Who Has Dedicated Her Life To Planning ‘Extra-Ordinary Birthdays’ For Homeless Children
Schinnell Leake founded a company called Extra-Ordinary birthdays after having been a party planner. What’s unique about her company is that it offers planned birthday parties or experiences for underprivileged or homeless people. Recently, an arsonist ruined everything she had in her office by targeting the area, but she feels even more energized by the situation. She wants to offer the empowerment of decision making to the mothers involved, since they don’t really get to make their own decisions in homeless shelters. Leake’s staff offers new books and gadgets, allowing children to pick their own themes, food, and activities. Volunteers direct credit to the parents rather than themselves. The company has launced a Go Fund Me to fund the losses from the fire and rebuild.
Key Takeaways:
- Leake, the CEO of Extra-ordinary Birthdays, is using her non-profit to provide a service for the homeless children in her area which were reserved for privileged people.
- One day an arsonist attacked a neighboring building and it affected Leake’s office. In the incident, she lost so much including documents, photos, and memorabilia.
- The circumstance which her organization faced was a motivating force that made them to renew their efforts for homeless children because they are looking up to her organization.
“Leake said personalizing the events is not only what makes her organization unique — it’s what makes it successful. While other nonprofits host parties for homeless children, Extra-Ordinary Birthdays is dedicated to creating celebrations that feature the children’s specific requests.”
Read more: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/extra-ordinary-birthdays_us_5c1ca283e4b08aaf7a86fd42