Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dolls for Understanding a Disabled Sibling

It is unfortunate that not all children are born normal; some have certain disabilities. What makes their situation worse is that their disabilities tend to deprive them of a healthy social life. Studies show that parents of children with disability want their child to be socially well-adjusted. The problem is they don’t know how to make it happen.

In many situations, it is often not the child with disability that needs to be educated, but the people around him. If your disabled child has brothers or sisters, one of the best ways to make your other children understand and be more receptive to their sibling’s plight is to have them care for an 18-inch doll.

Children see themselves in the dolls they play with, or see an intimate friend to whom they can confide and tell their secrets. A doll can also be so infused by its owner with trust and vulnerability that the child learns to give care and entrust his or her fears and inhibitions to the doll, while overcoming them. For children with disabled siblings, a doll can pose as the “other”, assuming roles assigned to it by the child. 

Dolls can comfort a confused child, offering itself up as a relatable other, ‘someone’ who will understand and stay by one’s side through difficult situations. Your other children  can benefit from an educational 18-inch doll that’s specially-made for boys or girls with a sibling born with some form of disability.

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