often than not, people purchase dolls so that their children have
something to play with. For others, however, 18-inch dolls are
collectors’ items. If you fall in the latter
category, you definitely want to keep your dolls in mint condition.
This is a simple enough task if you follow the following tips:
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you the type of person that likes to display his or her collection?
If so, make sure you display your dolls away from sunlight. Direct
sunlight is a doll’s worst enemy, as natural lights easily fade the
color of a doll’s skin, hair, and clothes. The worst part is that
the discoloration is uneven, making it difficult to repair.
aware of how the sun changes its movement patterns as the seasons
change. If this proves difficult, you can always add treatments to
your windows to keep your display area shaded at all times.
smoke tends to cling onto a lot of fabrics, but doll clothes fabrics
absorb the smell like nothing else. Removing the smell of smoke from
dolls is very difficult, even for professionals. If you or a loved
one smokes, do so outside your home.
care to store your dolls in places where the temperature is
regulated, especially if they are made of vinyl and other types of
plastic. Very cold temperatures can lead to cracks along the body of
your doll, while very warm temperatures can warp and discolor the